First week assiginment: Creating Web Page Templates
First Week's Assignment.

This is the first weekly assignment for your web project. Note: These must be done indiviually, even if you are working on a project with a group. You are to create a series of templates to use as you create your website. What is a template? A template is a form that you can use and re-use to aid you in your design. A web template is a generic web page that you can copy and rename whenever you wish to make a page with that type of format. Templates save you work. For example, let's say you want a three column table for the opening page of your site. You just open your template, save it under a different file name, and then copy and paste your data and graphics into it. Templates give you a way to avoid re-inventing the wheel each time you want a certain format. For this weeks assignment, you will need to create the following working templates and save them in a special folder within your personal folder:
  1. A three row, three column table.
  2. Three other table configurations of your choice.
  3. A working color chart. See for an example.
  4. Three types of frame documents. Your choice. A standard frame document consists of two rows with two columns within the bottom row.
I've included my own tables tutorial if you need a refresher on how to make tables. You may have already gone through these in one of my earlier classes, if not be sure to check them out.
If you're rusty on how to make frames, do the frames tutorial as well. Here are some other useful links to refresh your knowledge about HTML tags.