Visual Basic Racing Game
Adapted from An Introduction to Programming in Visual Basic by Beth Brown and Bruce Presley

This is a fun game programming project. The idea is to make a race between two cars. Both of the cars are controlled by timers with random values assigned to their speed. The first car that gets to the other side of the form wins!

First of all take a look at the following two graphics. The first shows the layout of the form and the second shows which the property changes you will need to make.

Next, do your coding for the project. The instructions are in red.

Put the following in the general part of the form.
Option Explicit

Private Sub cmdGo_Click()
tmrGo.Enabled = True
End Sub

Double click on the Timer for car one and enter this code:
Private Sub tmrCar1_Timer()
picCar1.Move picCar1.Left + Int(41 * Rnd + 20)
If picCar1.Left >= (frmRacing.Width - picCar1.Width) Then
Call EndRace
MsgBox "Car 1 wins!"
End If
End Sub

Double click on the Timer for car two and enter this code:
Private Sub tmrCar2_Timer()
picCar2.Move picCar2.Left + Int(41 * Rnd + 20)
If picCar2.Left >= (frmRacing.Width - picCar2.Width) Then
Call EndRace
MsgBox "Car 2 wins!"
End If
End Sub

Double click on the Timer for the Go! button and enter this code:
Private Sub tmrGo_Timer()
Static blnRed As Boolean, blnYellow As Boolean, blnGreen As Boolean
If Not blnRed Then
Call DrawRed(blnRed)
ElseIf Not blnYellow Then
Call DrawYellow(blnYellow)
ElseIf Not blnGreen Then
Call DrawGreen(blnGreen)
tmrGo.Enabled = False
blnRed = False
blnYellow = False
blnGreen = False
cmdGo.Visible = False
picCar1.Left = 350
picCar2.Left = 350
Note: you will need to make these two images (or use two from the Internet).
picCar1.Picture = LoadPicture("car1.jpg")
picCar2.Picture = LoadPicture("car2.jpg")
tmrCar1.Enabled = True
tmrCar2.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub

Put the following in the general part of the form.
Sub DrawRed(ByRef blnRed As Boolean)
picSignalLight.FillColor = vbRed
picSignalLight.FillStyle = vbFSSolid
picSignalLight.Circle (200, 200), 200, vbRed
blnRed = True
End Sub

Sub DrawYellow(ByRef blnYellow As Boolean)
picSignalLight.FillColor = vbYellow
picSignalLight.Circle (200, 200), 200, vbYellow
blnYellow = True
End Sub

Sub DrawGreen(ByRef blnGreen As Boolean)
picSignalLight.FillColor = vbGreen
picSignalLight.Circle (200, 200), 200, vbGreen
blnGreen = True
End Sub

Sub EndRace()
tmrCar2.Enabled = False
tmrCar1.Enabled = False
cmdGo.Visible = True
picCar1.Picture = LoadPicture
picCar2.Picture = LoadPicture
End Sub

Now you can go ahead and run the game! Debug as necessary.