How to Make Your Own Web Browser
Note: This project is adapted from a book entitled VB6 for Web Development by Rod Paddock

Did you know you can use Visual Basic to make your own web browser from scratch? To do this project, you will need to customize your browser. I have made a template project for you in the public directory entitled "browser." The reason I did this is that Fortres will prevent you from making modifications to the toolbar. So, I did that part (steps 1-4 below) for you. If you are doing this from home, start with step 1.

  1. Start a new project and make sure you can see the toolbox.
  2. Right click on the tool box and select components.
  3. Scroll till you see the checkbox for "Microsoft Internet Controls". Click on it.
  4. Scroll till you see the checkbox for "Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0". Click on it.
  5. Add a Web Browser from the toolbox onto your form.
  6. Add a command button to your form. Change the caption to "go!"
  7. Add a text box to your form. Change the name property to txtUrl.
  8. Double click the commmand button on your form and type WebBrowser1.Navigate(txtUrl).

Make a web browser that includes five buttons in the tool bar that link to five of your favorite sites. Change the colors and images of the browser as you see fit.